Investigate purchasing arrangement with WALGA through Power Purchase Agreement to procure energy with net zero emissions through state renewable energy project proposal.
(According to the action plan)ZC2Investigate purchasing arrangement with WALGA through Power Purchase Agreement to procure energy with net zero emissions through state renewable energy project proposal
On time
- Yet to commence
- Current
- Ongoing
- Completed
Official name
Annual report
Report: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2022
Sustainability Action Plan Annual Report 2021-2022
Current reporting comment
Investigations into PPA conducted - not considered preferable option as ties into long term commitment preventing alternative sourcing of renewable energy sources.
Report: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2023
Sustainability Action Plan Annual Report 2022-2023_1
Current reporting comment
Investigations into PPA conducted - not considered preferable option as ties into long term commitment preventing alternative sourcing of renewable energy sources.
Report: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2024
Sustainability Action Plan Report 2023-2024_FINAL
Current reporting comment
Investigations into PPA conducted - not considered preferable option as ties into long term commitment preventing alternative sourcing of renewable energy sources.