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Shire of Denmark /

Sustainable Projects Team

Responsible in 19 actions

Action title
Implementation phase
StatusResponsible parties
Information updated
ZC3Incorporate renewable energy options for Shire facilities when upgrading and undertaking new projects
On time
vuosi sitten
ZC4Investigate the use of installing solar powered lighting on public facilities
On time
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ZC6Provide information to community and general public regarding battery and storage options for new residential properties
Yet to commence
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ZC7Support agency and community led renewable energy initiatives, including sustainable housing awards and open days to promote best sustainable practice
On time
vuosi sitten
ZW7Investigate funding opportunities to divert waste water from the inlet to the Golf Course and Denmark Agricultural College
Yet to commence
On time
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ZW9Support and encourage initiatives that promote zero plastic packaging for fruit, vegetables and associated products
On time
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ST6Investigate installation of rapid charging stations within the Shire
On time
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SM1Ensure prioritisation of purchasing sustainable local building materials in Shire procurement practices through on-going education of Shire staff
On time
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SF5Partner with the Chamber of Commerce and State government in supporting investigation into sustainable farming products (i.e. viability of a local food processing plant and local or mobile abattoir)
Yet to commence
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SW4Investigate Shire depot machine wash down area, using harvested water from the existing roof catchments
Yet to commence
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SW5Install water bottle refill facilities at strategic locations across the Shire. (eg. when upgrading drinking fountains within CBD consider including water bottle refilling station).
Yet to commence
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SW9Install infrastructure to divert waste water for reuse for irrigation at McLean Park
On time
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SW10Deliver educational resources to the community (households, schools, businesses, industry) about limitations of water resources and opportunities for waterwise action at a local level.
Yet to commence
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LN2Investigate options to develop an objective environmental impact measuring tool to guide decision making for procurement
Yet to commence
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CC7Investigate the opportunity for a vibrant sustainable and integrated youth hub/precinct in a central location
On time
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CC12Trial a community volunteering model for tracks and trail maintenance to encourage more sustainable transport options
On time
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CC15Support government initiatives that enable community members to implement sustainable practices such as installing energy and water saving features
On time
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CC16Provide information to community members to consider environmentally efficient designs when building new homes
On time
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SW22Ensure water efficiency initiatives are included in any new or major refurbishment projects within the Shire. This should include investigation of non-scheme water sources for irrigation, water efficient irrigation and landscape design, rainwater tanks and greywater reuse
On time
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